Call the Traffic Lawyers today for FREE Consultation



Handling speeding tickets, traffic tickets and DUI DWI all across Missouri, Kansas, and Iowa with offices in the following areas

  • Overland Park
  • Kansas City- Plaza
  • Lee's Summit
  • Raytown
  • St. Louis
  • Kansas City- Zona Rosa

The Traffic Lawyers of Kopecky Law, P.A.

Have you recently been pulled over for a traffic ticket or speeding ticket? Have you been arrested for a DUI or DWI? We can help!! Give the Traffic Lawyers a call today 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Please email us at:
or call us at: 816-TRAFFIC (816-872-3342) if you are in the Kansas City Metro Area, either on the Missouri side or the Kansas side of stateline. We have several offices across the KC Metro and in St. Louis and represent clients in a variety of traffic charges all across Missouri, Kansas, and Iowa, and even in most rural areas.

If you are outside of the Kansas City or St. Louis Metro Areas, you may call us toll-free at
1-800-N-GUILTY (1-800-648-4589). We represent clients in almost every county across the three state area.

Most matters our attorneys can handle by email or over the phone and many cases do not even require a court appearance by you. If a court appearance will be required, we will try to tell you up front. We have very reasonable prices due to the huge volume of cases we handle. Contact us today for a free consultation!

Contact us today for a FREE Consultation


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200 NE Missouri Road, Suite 200
Lee's Summit, MO 64086

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